I've had to start my blog again. The people at my old work found out that I had a blog and were reading it, and quite frankly I don't want anything to do with them anymore, let alone them reading what I've been up to. So now only people that are invited can read what I write, and thats why you've all had invites to the new blog address today. Hopefully it will start to fill up again in the next few weeks! And because I haven't had many pics yet... this is what I'm going to be watching tonight, the new series of Spooks. I love it!
Its not a very up to date picture though, as Adam was killed off a couple of episodes ago, and theres a new man on the team!
New blog looks great Gem, look forward to seeing your crafty stuff and as to those people good ridance!!!
spooks is one of my favs too, was very sad when Adam died.
Thanks for inviting me to read your blog xx
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