Saturday 7 April 2012

The One About Blue Planet Aquarium . . .

Last Tuesday it was M's dad's 65th birthday, and so we all went out for the day to Blue Planet Aquarium.  This was our first trip out as a family of three, because I don't think trips to the supermarket count really!  We also went with  M, M's dad, M's sister, brother-in-law and twin nephews.  We got there nice and early, but it was still busy as we forgot it was the Easter holidays.  We wanted to go out on M's dad's actual birthday.  We had a lovely time, and Alissia woke up in time to go through the tunnel with the sharks above, and I think that in her pram she had the best view out of us all!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Your little Alissia is coming on very nicely...she must have wondered where she was when she woke up though!
Alison xx